Indian Healthcare industry is growing at a tremendous pace owing to its strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well a private players, however, there is no dearth of challenges as India lags the world averages in key health indicators, health infrastructure and manpower compared to the developed world, and hence organizations who through their innovative solutions are able to address these challenges, should be recognized and encouraged.
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Official Tabulator

Past Winners 2024

Excellence in Scaling-up of Manufacturing for COVID demand
To recognize the organizations which have increased indigenous manufacturing to meet the COVID demand.
Eligible Participants
Open to all Medical device companies, Diagnostic manufacturers, Start-ups in India.
Excellence in Hospital Preparedness for COVID-19
To recognize the organizations which have increased/modified the facility, infrastructure, process, diagnostic center, supply chain, etc. to meet the demand of the current situation .
Eligible Participants
Open to all Hospitals, Diagnostic Centre, Blood Bank and Other Healthcare Service Providers*
Excellence in Home Healthcare
To recognize the organization which have taken initiatives to provide home healthcare services to patients so they get their treatment inside their home .
Eligible Participants
Open to all Hospital and Other Healthcare Service Providers*
Excellence in Telemedicine/ Digital Health
To recognize the organization which have taken initiatives to provide tele-consultation to their patients without exposing their staff and patients to virus .
Eligible Participants
Open to all Hospitals and Other Healthcare Service Providers*
Innovative Medical Device/ Technology
Any equipment, device or technology intended to use for medical purpose which healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients to result in better healthcare in India. The technology must have been manufactured/adopted for commercial use after all regulatory clearances .
Eligible Participants
Medical Technology/Device companies and Healthcare research institutes/ Start-ups
Innovative MedTech Software/App
To recognize organization which has developed an innovative medical software/ app for the healthcare sector in India to enable professionals to efficiently manage patients or spread awareness to people about COVID .
Eligible Participants
Medical Technology/Device companies & Healthcare research institutes/ start-ups
Excellence in Capacity Building
To recognize the initiatives taken by organization and employees to obtain, improve and retain the skills, knowledge tools, equipment and other resources required to treat the patients .
Eligible Participants
Open to all hospitals, Other Healthcare Service Provider
Excellence in Social Initiative
To recognize the social initiatives which have resulted in the upliftment of the healthcare status in India. The initiative should have wider impact on the preventive/ therapeutic and outcome-based healthcare scenario .
Eligible Participants
Open to Corporates, Other Healthcare Service Providers, NGO’s and Not for Profit Organisations
Patient Safety
Recognition for projects and initiatives taken to prevent harm to patients and have measurable impact in improving the patient care.
Who Can Apply
Open to all Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres and other healthcare service providers* (*Primary Health Centres, Ambulatory Services, Home Care Services etc.)
Number of Winners : 4
(One for Hospitals, One from Other Healthcare Service Providers, One from Diagnostic Centre and one for Nursing Led Projects)
Medical Technology / Devices
Any equipment, device or technology which has resulted in better healthcare in India. The technology must have been manufactured/adopted for commercial use after all regulatory clearances.
Who Can Apply
Medical Technology/Device companies and Healthcare research institutes.
Number of Winner : 1
Environment friendly initiative
Recognition for organization who play a role in managing and promoting their environmental responsibility by reducing the harmful impact on the environment by the healthcare industry.
Who Can Apply
Open to all hospitals, Med-Tech Companies & other healthcare organizations
Number of Winner : 1
Health Insurance Products
Recognition of unique health insurance products which addresses the need of the Indian Market. There should be measurable impact thorough the use of innovative technologies/processes in enhancing the distribution channels of the product, as well as creating more awareness and penetration through various marketing efforts.
Who Can Apply
Insurance Companies
Number of Winner : 1
Innovative Medical Device/ Technology
Any equipment, device or technology intended to use for medical purpose which healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients to result in better healthcare in India. The technology must have been manufactured/adopted for commercial use after all regulatory clearances.
Eligible Participants
Medical Technology/Device companies and Healthcare research institutes/ Start-ups
Innovative MedTech Software/ App
To recognize organization which has developed an innovative medical software/ app for the healthcare sector in India to enable professionals to efficiently manage patients or spread awareness to people about COVID
Eligible Participants
Medical Technology/Device companies & Healthcare research institutes/ start-ups
Excellence in Capacity Building
To recognize the initiatives taken by organization and employees to obtain, improve and retain the skills, knowledge tools, equipment and other resources required to treat the patients
Eligible Participants
Open to all hospitals, Other Healthcare Service Provider
Health Insurance Service Innovation
Recognition of innovation and excellence at point of sale/point of care services in health insurance that have resulted in enhanced experience of the consumers and other stakeholders.
Who Can Apply
Insurance Companies, TPA, Insurance Aggregators.
Number of Winners : 1
Dr. S.Y.Quraishi
Dr. S.Y.Quraishi assumed charge as the 17th Chief Election Commissioner of India on 30th July 2010. Dr. Quraishi earlier held the position of Election Commissioner since 30thJune 2006. He has been already involved, as part of the three member Commission, with control, direction and superintendence of the conduct of elections to the offices of President and Vice-President of India, General Elections to the Lok Sabha – 2009, besides elections in a large number of states. In the management of elections, Dr. Quraishi has brought a special focus on people’s participation, voters’ education and youth involvement in the electoral process through scientific research and interventions. He has been an ardent proponent for lending strength to the grassroots level election functionaries.
Academic Background
Born on 11 June 1947, Dr. S.Y. Quraishi completed his Masters degrees from St. Stephen’s College in Delhi before joining the Indian Administrative Service in 1971. He earned distinction for his study of several languages. Dr. Quraishi received a Ph. D for his thesis on “Role of Communication and Social Marketing in Development of Women and Children”.
Career Summary
Dr Quraishi brought to the Election Commission 35 years of distinguished work in the civil service, at both federal and state levels. Prior to his joining the Commission, he was Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India.
Dr Quraishi is known for his special contributions in social sector reforms covering health, education, population, drug abuse, and civil society action. He has done extensive work in the fields of Gender, Women & Child Development, HIV/AIDS, Youth and Adolescent issues. UN and other international organizations have availed his expertise in these areas as consultant and resource person on several occasions.
Dr. Quraishi held the offices of Special Secretary (Health) & Director General of the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) where he brought India’s national AIDS control programme on the world map. He is credited with pulling together a large number of national and international agencies for creating the strategic framework for India’s Phase III AIDS Control Programme. Dr. Quraishi also pioneered India’s biggest AIDS awareness programme and IEC campaign called ‘Universities Talk AIDS’ (UTA) in 159 Universities, considered as one of the best global practices.
As Director General, Doordarshan (National Television Network), Dr. S Y Quraishi brought about a turnaround in the programmes and finances of the organisation through introduction of new methods and approaches.
Dr Quraishi also held the office of Director General of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), India’s largest rural youth development agency. He founded the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development and served as its Director. Dr. Quraishi was the Team Leader in framing India’s National Perspective Plan for Youth- 2020 and mainstreaming gender issues.
Dr. S Y Quraishi is also a known name in power sector reforms. As Secretary of the Department of Power and Non-Conventional Energy, in Haryana, he successfully negotiated a $600 million World Bank loan for reform and privatisation of power sector in the State. This initiative was evaluated as one of the ten best in the world by the World Bank Quality Assurance Team. He also served as Secretary, Irrigation in Haryana. As Additional Secretary for Ministries of Renewable Energy and also of Steel in GOI, Dr. Quraishi piloted wide ranging reforms.
Dr. Quraishi has a number of books, articles and talks to his credit on issues related to democracy, elections, HIV AIDS and Family Planning, social marketing, women and child development and Youth. His book ‘Social Marketing for Social Change’ has broken new ground in the field of Development Communication.
Dr. Quraishi has received several prestigious awards in recognition of his contribution to civil society and human development issues. Among these are, the Nehru Fellow for innovative and outstanding work in child welfare, Secular India Harmony Award for contribution to human understanding, Silver Elephant National Award of Indian Scouts and Guides in recognition of service of most exceptional character to the movement, Shiromani Award for merit, high calibre and commitment to National Progress and Human Welfare.
Dr. Quraishi has widely travelled across India and the globe. He headed Indian delegations at a large number of international conferences and discussions. He is an avid musician and spends most of his leisure time among people and friends with musical interests.
Dr S.Y. Quraishi assumed charge of the Chief Election Commissioner of India on 30th July 2010. He relinquished the charge of CEC on 10th June 2012
Prof. Tehemton Erach Udwadia
OBE, MS, FCPS, FRCS(Eng.),FRCS(Edin.), FAMS, FIAGES, FACS(Hon.), FICS (Hon.), FARSI (Hon.) Chairman, Center of Excellence for Minimal Access Surgery Training (CEMAST)Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Grant Medical College & J.J. Hospital, Mumbai, Consultant Surgeon and Head, Department of Minimal Access Surgery, P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Research Centre, Consultant Surgeon at B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai.
Professor Tehemton Erach Udwadia is an alumni of St. Mary’s High School, Wilson College, and Seth G.S. Medical College, Bombay, graduating from the University of Bombay in 1956 and did his post-graduation from the University of Bombay and the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England and Edinburgh. Joined the Surgical Staff of the Grant Medical College & J.J. Hospital, Mumbai in 1963. He retired as Honorary Professor of Surgery in 1994 and is now Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Grant Medical College & J.J. Hospital, Mumbai.
He was Consultant in Surgery to the Armed Forces and Chairman Indian Chapter, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. He has been elected President of several National and International Surgical Societies such as the Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo-Surgeons (Founder President), Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India, the Association of Surgeons of India, International College of Surgeons World Body, Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia and President of the International Federation of Societies of Endoscopic Surgeons (IFSES). He has been honoured with the Padma Shri National Award from the President of India in 2006 and the Higher Padma Bhushan Award from the President of India in 2017. He has been honoured with the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the distinction of Honorary Fellowship by the American College of Surgeons.
His efforts were recognized by several awards bestowed on him. To name a few, Dr. B.C. Roy National Award for promoting the Speciality of Laparoscopic Surgery in India from the President of India, Hunterian Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Surgikos Lecture of the Association of the Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Pandalai Oration of the Association of Surgeons of India, Sir Sriram Oration of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Sir James Ross Lecture of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Ganga Ram Oration, the Dr. Karl Storz award of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons, the Association of Surgeons of India, and a Gold Medal and citation from Dr. Abdul Kalam, President of India.
A forceful, innovative and renowned teacher and surgeon, he was the first surgeon in India to start laparoscopy in surgery in 1972, and the first to perform laparoscopic surgery in the developing world in early 1990. With missionary zeal Professor Udwadia has conducted workshops all over India and in Nepal, Mexico, Brazil, China, Myanmar, Bangla Desh, and other developing countries spreading the gospel of laparoscopic and Minimal Access Surgery. He has put all his efforts into realizing his belief that the benefits of surgical advance should be made available to all people, in all places, irrespective of their socio-economic status. His innumerable research papers and presentations over fifty years cover a wide field of surgery - from myocardial revascularisation (his PhD topic) to research in abdominal tuberculosis, ascites, hydrocephalus, peritonitis, flexible endoscopy and diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy.
Over the last three years Professor Udwadia as Chairman of ‘Center of Excellence for Minimal Access Surgery Training’ (CEMAST), has laid the foundation of a state of the art Minimal Access Surgery training Center, comparable to the best in the World, giving training to surgeons from all over the subcontinent in every surgical speciality of MAS. To date over 2000 surgeons have been trained in MAS at this Center.
Along with over 30 professional affiliations he has been conferred Honorary Membership of the American College of Surgeons, Japan Section of the International college of Surgeons, Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopy, College of Surgeons of Brazil, Surgical Society of Nepal, the International College of Surgeons, German Society of Visceral (Abdominal) Surgery, the Association of Rural Surgeons of India. Examiner in Surgery to several Universities in India and abroad, the National Board of Examination and the Royal College of Surgeons, Past Chairman / Editor Indian Journal of Surgery, and the Editorial Board of several National and International Journals (British Journal of Surgery, International Surgery, HPB Surgery, National Medical Journal of India etc.). Professor Tehemton E. Udwadia is the author of two landmark books on Laparoscopic Surgery – “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” (1991), and “Laparoscopic Surgery in Developing Countries” (1997) and contributing author to 34 books on surgery. He is the Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Minimal Access Surgery.
Extra-Surgical Activities
- Member College Team for Athletics, Cricket, Boxing, Debate.
- Corporal National Cadet Corps
- General Secretary, G.S. Medical College Gymkhana (1954 - 1955) Member Bombay Flying Club.
- Member, Willingdon Sports Club Golf Team.
- Married in January 1959. Three children. Six grand-children
Excellence in Social Initiative
To recognize the social initiatives which have resulted in the upliftment of the healthcare status in India. The initiative should have wider impact on the preventive/ therapeutic and outcomebased healthcare scenario
Eligible Participants
Open to Corporates, Other Healthcare Service Providers, NGO’s and Not for Profit Organisations